Service & Know-how

Efficient process management within the wood & paper industry depend on many factors. We at Deurowood understand your needs. That’s why we are the perfect partner to support you – from the resin to the laminated board.


A key factor for increased efficiency

Providing convincing solutions requires expertise and know-how — competencies that the global service network of Chem-Trend with Deurowood® and Hiperadd® as the leading brands have developed through years of experience and intensive research. The result is a comprehen- sive understanding of the technical and business requirements in the paper impregnation and wood composites industry.

Thanks to the international footprint Chem-Trend anticipates with its global brands Deurowood® and Hiperadd® market and technology trends. The international network of experts combines process and machine competence with chemical know-how. The focus is on improvements for process efficiency and surface characteristics on the finished laminates to be achieved throguh state of the art operation along the entire value chain.


A prerequisite for efficiency

Efficient impregnation and wood panel production processes depend on many factors. The team supporting Deurowood® and Hiperadd® branded products understands your needs. That’s why we are the perfect partner to support you with our know how and additive products through all requirements yielding state of the art laminated boards.

The global service and consultation process is fast, personal, straightforward with local presence. Your personal Technical Sales Manager is only a phone call away.

The support is not limited to the most efficient application of the Deurowood® and Hiperadd® products but also includes identifying savings potential. Your projects are supported with laboratory analysis and documentation, and povided with downstream support. The international network of the Chem-Trend team supporting the Deurowood® and Hiperadd® brands together with regional partners provide local service in your language. Thanks to the global Chem-Trend footprint of manufacturing and logistics our products can be offered with a decisive time advantage through short lead times and just-in-time production.